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Best practices on Green Procurement wanted

Best practices on Green Procurement wanted

Discover how the GAPS project is revolutionizing Green Public Procurement with a comprehensive toolkit of best practices and case studies

International Clean Energy Challenge

International Clean Energy Challenge

Young people under 35 are needed for innovative energy transition solutions! Join the International Clean Energy Challenge this summer in Austria

EUCF: Country Expert in Iceland and Luxembourg and National Hub in the Netherlands wanted!

EUCF: Country Expert in Iceland and Luxembourg and National Hub in the Netherlands wanted!

Do you have experience in sustainable energy projects and in supporting municipalities to access financing? Apply to the EUCF Call and be our next Country Expert in Iceland or Luxembourg, or our next National Hub in the Netherlands!

In need of project financing for your region?

In need of project financing for your region?

PROSPECT+ calls for regions and municipalities to join the capacity-building programme in innovative financing!

ePLANET Meeting in Paris outlines the pathway towards regional implementation

ePLANET Meeting in Paris outlines the pathway towards regional implementation

After the first half of the project duration, the recap of the achievements especially on Multi-level governance and the different Use-cases of the ePLANET platform helped to plan and design the further regional integration of the results and replication in the ePLANET follower regions.

Citizens at the centre of change

Citizens at the centre of change

Take a look at Thekla Heinel’s editorial, FEDARENE Vice-President for Climate Protection in Municipalities and Regions. She emphasizes the importance of active citizen participation in achieving the EU’s goal of climate neutrality by 2050.

Introducing the Interreg Europe SME POWER Project

Introducing the Interreg Europe SME POWER Project

The Interreg Europe SME POWER project helps non-energy intensive SMEs adapt to the low carbon economy through policy improvement, reducing emissions and increasing renewable energy use.

European City Facility announces new calls: 209 grants of €60.000 to open for cities pursuing investments in clean energy

European City Facility announces new calls: 209 grants of €60.000 to open for cities pursuing investments in clean energy

Stay alert! The new calls of the European City Facility are coming!

Spain as an energy island: securing through connection

Spain as an energy island: securing through connection

Read this conversation with Alfonso Arroyo Gonzalez, FEDARENE Vice-President for Renewable Energy Sources about the energy transition towards renewables in the Autonomous Community of Castilla y León and the significance of creating a European electricity market through interconnections

International platform for the support of energy communities available online

International platform for the support of energy communities available online

EU project SHAREs, a Horizon 2020-funded initiative aimed at supporting energy communities and promoting citizen engagement in the energy transition, has released a new information platform.