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The Smart Specialisation Platform on Bioenergy

The Smart Specialisation Platform on Bioenergy

The Smart Specialisation Platform on Bioenergy (S3P) is a tool to improve interregional cooperation through specialisation. From spring 2015 EC launched the initiative of the Smart Specialisation Platforms (S3P) as a joint initiative of the Directorates-General for Regional and Urban Policy, Energy, and the Joint Research Centre (JRC). Energy being a crucial societal challenge for Europe, the pace of development quickly picked up and the S3P-Energy emerged.

European Green Capital and Green Leaf winners

European Green Capital and Green Leaf winners

Meet the city of Grenovable, the winner of the European Commission’s European Green Capital Award 2022!

Closer cooperation on offshore wind in the Baltic Sea

Closer cooperation on offshore wind in the Baltic Sea

One more step for offshore wind energy ! Energy ministers for the eight countries from the Baltic Sea region and Kadri Simson signed a declaration for closer cooperation on offshore wind !

Mutual learning on carbon neutrality and carbon finance

Mutual learning on carbon neutrality and carbon finance

Read how AURA-EE is sharing experiences on carbon neutrality strategies and carbon finance thanks to the C-Track 50 H2020 project.

A renovation wave for Europe

A renovation wave for Europe

The Commission published on 14 October 2020 a new strategy to boost renovation called “A Renovation Wave for Europe – Greening our buildings, creating jobs, improving lives”

City of Koprivnica and REA North win Procura Award for Innovation Procurement of the Year

City of Koprivnica and REA North win Procura Award for Innovation Procurement of the Year

The Procura+ Awards reward successful, already running, sustainable and innovative public procurements. These procurements lead to significant improvements of public goods, services, processes and infrastructure.

Turning your Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan into a Strategic Investment Plan [report]

Turning your Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan into a Strategic Investment Plan [report]

You can now read the full report on the event of Turning your Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan into a Strategic Investment Plan. Find out the outcomes of the discussions on public buildings, public lighting, private residential buildings, private residential buildings, transport and cross-sectoral

Final Conference of the Interreg MED project ENERJ

Final Conference of the Interreg MED project ENERJ

The final conference of ENERJ brought together the partners of this Interreg MED project with a group of national and international experts to review the results obtained and put them into the larger perspective of the energy transformation in the Mediterranean

EUCF Celebrates closing of first call with more than 250 applications!

EUCF Celebrates closing of first call with more than 250 applications!

The first call of the European City Facility (EUCF) closed on 2nd October, counting more than 250 applications from across Europe. Municipalities from all EU27+UK countries participated with enthusiasm to the call

The European City Facility’s application process

The European City Facility’s application process

The European City Facility released an explanatory video to guide municipalities through the application process. Watch it now