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Can island living be possible?

Can island living be possible?

Check out this Editorial by Savvas Vlachos, Vice-President for Smart and Sustainable Islands & Director of the Cyprus Energy Agency, extracted from our publication ‘Sustainable Regions in Action‘.

Achieving Climate Neutrality: 15 Innovative Services from 7 Energy Agencies

Achieving Climate Neutrality: 15 Innovative Services from 7 Energy Agencies

In the framework of the REMARKABLE Climate Leaders, 7 energy agencies developed 15 unique services designed to help communities, municipalities, and businesses achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

Empowering communities: harnessing energy efficiency against energy poverty

Empowering communities: harnessing energy efficiency against energy poverty

Check out this Editorial by Florin Andronescu, FEDARENE Vice-President for Energy Efficiency and Energy Poverty & CEO of Alba Local Energy Agency, extracted from our publication ‘Sustainable Regions in Action‘.

Building a community – Conclusions from ePLANET Stakeholders Forums

Building a community – Conclusions from ePLANET Stakeholders Forums

Be inspired by ePLANET’s approach to community building!

Regio1st new participatory planning tool at the International Conference IISA 2024

Regio1st new participatory planning tool at the International Conference IISA 2024

The New Regio1st tool from the Online Planning Framework has been presented to the International Conference on information, intelligence, systems and applications.

Green Deal is local!

Green Deal is local!

Check out this Editorial by Vlasta Krmelj, FEDARENE Vice-President for Financing and Investments, CEO of ENERGAP and Mayor of Selnica ob Dravi (SI), extracted from our publication ‘Sustainable Regions in Action‘.

How to accelerate the deployment of Energy Transition? Insights from ePLANET final event

How to accelerate the deployment of Energy Transition? Insights from ePLANET final event

Wondering how to accelerate the Energy Transition in your region? Get inspired by the discussions during ePLANET final event!

REMARKABLE Climate Neutrality Contest

REMARKABLE Climate Neutrality Contest

Do you have innovative solutions or ideas that could make a significant impact? The #ClimateREMARKABLES contest is your chance to shine and share your vision for a sustainable future.

MIP4Adapt: website revamped!

MIP4Adapt: website revamped!

The Mission Implementation Platform (MIP4Adapt) supports European regional and local authorities to prepare and plan their adaptation pathways to climate resilience. Check out their revamped website with all the new solutions and tools available!

A Renewable Energy Valley launches in Crete to lead the European energy transition

A Renewable Energy Valley launches in Crete to lead the European energy transition

From June 17 to 19, representatives of the European project CRETE VALLEY travelled across Crete to present the Renewable Energy Valley ‘Living Lab’ (REV-Lab). The new decentralised power system will enable residents to meet their energy needs through renewable sources.