Improving Clean Energy Transition planning at local and regional level


Cities and urban areas have been identified as the main opportunity in reaching climate neutrality, as they consume 78% of the world’s energy and produce more than 60% of GHG. This need and vision are shared across EU cities and regions, but the climate neutrality transition process is complex, and many barriers have been identified. Local and regional authorities have shown commitment to achieve climate neutrality, but there is a lack of appropriate horizontal and vertical Clean Energy Transition governance, of integrated solutions, and of capacity (knowledge and resources) to develop and implement CET plans and strategies that slow down the development of these process.

The general objective of PLAN4CET is to support European regions and cities to design, develop, and implement CET plans according to their needs and possibilities. To do so, the different project outputs (methodologies, tools, capability building, and technical assistance) will be generated to support EU regions and cities in their CET planning, implementation, and monitoring activities.

PLAN4CET will directly support 3 EU regions in improving their Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans: Navarra (ES), Skäne (SW) and Emilia Romagna (IT). These regions represent different type of EU regions and will serve as samples to many others in which the learnings and best practices can be transferred.

The PLAN4CET project is co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union.

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held reponsible for them.

In the news

Open Call for European Regions & Municipalities: the Plan4CET Mentoring Programme is officially here!

Are you working for a municipality, regional authority, or energy agency in charge of CET planning? Are you willing to learn from European best practices to enhance your territory’s sustainability and advancement in the clean energy transition? Then, this opportunity is a not-to-be-missed!

PLAN4CET Transition Expert Programme – Join the webinar series!

Join the PLAN4CET Transition Expert program and improve your skills to drive the Clean Energy Transition 

Let’s plan for energy transition with PLAN4CET

Three European regions of Navarre (ES), Emilia-Romagna (IT), and Skåne (SE) join forces to promote a roadmap for energy transition in this new LIFE project.