Application pack for Replication Region and City

This EU call for replication region and city aims to give the opportunity for 5 regions and cities from across Europe to come to the Basque Country to see how the Opengela pilot offices work and bring back what they could replicate from the OPENGELA model to their territory.

Is your region or city currently setting up a building renovation service in its territory, in the form of One-Stop-Shops, and you would like to get some inspiration from the OPENGELA Project? OPENGELA is glad to offer the possibility to up to 5 regions or cities in Europe to come to the Basque Country for a 2-day site visit and learn more about the pilot districts and model.

This EU call for replication region and city aims to give the opportunity for 5 regions and cities from across Europe to come to the Basque Country to see how the Opengela pilot offices work and bring back what they could replicate from the OPENGELA model to their territory.

In the news

An integrated home renovation service in your territory

Are you interested in having an integrated home renovation service, like a one-stop-shop in your territory? Have you heard about the OPENGELA model? Act today and apply to become a replication region or city!