PUBLENEF Policy Brief n°3 – Focus on Monitoring and Verification

PUBLENEF has carried out a comprehensive analysis of good cases and needs for energy efficiency policy implementation and also launched a series of roadmaps in several countries engaging national, regional, and local public bodies and relevant market stakeholders. With examples of the actions taken by project partners in Croatia and Italy this policy brief answers the question what is the role of the monitoring and verification tools in improving of local, regional, and national energy efficiency policies.

The PUBLENEF project is now halfway, and we can on one hand look back to several research tasks that have been completed and on the other hand look forward to the remaining activities planned. A key first part of the project was the survey to assess the ‘needs’ or challenges encountered by European local, regional, and national governments in the implementation of energy efficiency measures. For local and regional government agencies, key challenges include a lack of budget, a lack of time (both for the staff and for other stakeholders), and the complexity of the issues and the administrative procedures.