
An array of studies, policy papers and reports are developed in the frame of FEDARENE’s activities and projects. The following documents are categorised by topic, type of publication and by projects.

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FEDARENE Info 48 – Focus on Smart and Sustainable Islands

Our 2020 Spring Edition of the FEDARENE Info is out! This season, we focus on Smart and Sustainable Islands, and how to turn them into lighthouses of Europe’s climate-neutral future.

RELaTED Newsletter n°6 is there!

The RELaTED exploitation seminar shows that with ultra-low temperature district heating, everyone wins

QualDeEPC explained at a glance

Read more about the project in all 6 languages of the partners.

District Heating De-Carbonisation in Belgrade

This paper, presented at Beyond 2020 digital event, summarizes the renovation plans for the District Heating network of the city of Belgrade.

Open Letter: Regional and Local Energy Agencies Europe’s Enablers of the Renovation Wave

On its 30 years anniversary, FEDARENE is committed to strengthen it’s role as interface with Europe’s regional and local authorities, ensuring the European Green Deal uses local and regional energy agencies to their full potential.

PROSPECT publishable report is here!

PROSPECT project released its publishable report after three and half years of hard work at the service of sustainable energy planning.

Green paper on good practice in Energy Performance Certificates assessment, certification, and use

This Green Paper provides detailed analysis, draft policy proposals and draft descriptions of tools on the 7 areas that the QualDeEPC project has identified as its priorities for the development of enhanced EPC

ManagEnergy Publishable Brochure

Discover all the activities that the ManagEnergy Team led during those three years and how it helped energy agencies lead the Energy Transition.

Energy meters in DH Substations for Heat Consumption Characterization and Prediction Using Machine-Learning Techniques

In this paper, an intuitive and clarifier data-driven model is presented, which couples heat demand and weather variables.

Data-driven process for the energy assessment of building envelope retrofits

In the paper “Data driven process for the energy assessment of building envelope retrofits”, a novel method is proposed based on whole-building heat load assessment by means of heat meters, and analytical calculations of building envelope transmission heat load coefficients.