
An array of studies, policy papers and reports are developed in the frame of FEDARENE’s activities and projects. The following documents are categorised by topic, type of publication and by projects.

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Energia Demo N°131 – Energy rehabilitation promoted by the local administration

The City Council of Santa Coloma de Gramenet has promoted a pilot test for the rehabilitation of 32 private housing buildings in the neighbourhood of Fondo Alt acting as coordinator.

Straw: Competition and complementarity of uses of agricultural deposits in Île-de-France

Based on a literature review and a series of interviews, this study aims to map the uses of straw from cereals and oilseeds and to analyze the potential impacts of increased mobilization of straw, in particular the environmental impacts, on agricultural practices and on the logistics sector.

Wood: Competition and complementarities of forestry uses in Île-de-France

In order to better understand the global pressure placed on the resource, but also to avoid the development in silos of the sectors, this study proposes an examination of the environmental pressures and constraints (on water, soil, biodiversity, climate, etc.) but also a summary of the impacts on logistics and silvicultural practices linked to the development of these two uses.

BiogasAction Toolbox for your biogas development strategy

With a few standardized keywords e.g. on language, substrate availability, biogas utilization, etc. you will be led to the corresponding instruments and documents for online […]

AURA-EE – Precarious public and displacements: State of play

The purpose of this work, within the framework of the PEnD-AURA program, is to attempt a sufficiently detailed, critical and constructive structuring by major families of actions.

Take action for air quality: support for local authorities in the Ile-de-France region

The concentrations of pollutants in Île-de-France, even if they have been decreasing for several years, remain problematic, with significant exceedances of the limit values.

PEGASUS Newsletter #2 is out!

The PEGASUS project has come to an advanced stage. The purpose of this Newsletter is to inform you about the steps that have taken place in recent months.

PUBLENEF Newsletter n°3

With the third edition of PUBLENEF newsletter, look back to several research tasks that have been completed and look forward to the remaining activities planned.

PEGASUS Newsletter #1 is out!

PEGASUS (Promoting Effective Generation and Sustainable USes of electricity) is an Interreg-MED project which focuses on experimenting a simulation of functioning of microgrids in 7 pilot areas jointly; solutions will be based on concrete situation with real data.

Policy proposals and measures for sustainable transport in Nicosia – Cyprus Energy Agency

Cyprus Energy Agency and Climate-KIC released policy proposals and measures for the sustainable transport in Nicosia in a white paper entitled “How can we ensure sustainable transport and mobility in wither united Nicosia region by 2030?”.