
Quickscan: a new energy performance assessment tool

Discover this tool developed by the Wallonia region in the framework of the BE REEL LIFE project to measure the energy performance of Belgian buildings

Quickscan: a new energy performance assessment tool

Quickscan, developed by the Energy department of the Wallonia region as part of the BE REEL project is a new tool for raising awareness on the energy performance of buildings. In just a few clicks, and without the intervention of a professional, citizens can estimate the energy performance of a single-family residential building. The tool also provides recommendations for improving the building and achieving, at a minimum, the “PEB A” label, the 2050 objective for Wallonia.

The Quickscan tool will make it easier for the Walloon user to quickly assess the potential energy savings and housing quality without the intervening of a professional.

BE REEL! allows the Walloon Region to collect data and to develop the content and operation of the tool.


On top of pilot actions aiming at a proof of concept for the newly developed policy instruments and tools in both regions (dossier global, quick scan tool, a redefined Energy Audit Procedure, housing passport, renovation advice), the Walloon Region will work out a set of innovative business models made to measure for different segments of the housing market.

Especially the following segments of the housing market, where existing instruments don’t lead to extra renovation activities, need specific instruments: the private rental market (especially single houses and flats, 20% of the total housing market), neighbourhood level and big apartment buildings with several co-owners (over 150,000).

Expected results

  • Neighbourhood renovation strategy planning with at least 3 different business models (in total at least 60 houses) are worked out, implemented and evaluated leading to become best practices
  • Group renovation: at least 4 projects of at least 50 houses each are set up and evaluated leading to best practices
  • Contractors that deliver ready to use houses: at least two big building contractors will develop and carry out pilots aiming to renovate at least 300 houses with the long term energy performance requirements
  • Apartment blocks in co-ownership: actual decision rules often form barriers for deep renovation development of tools and dashboards for building managers
  • private rental houses: at least 2 models for the deep renovation of private rental houses will be set up, tested in a minimum of 200 houses and leading to the definition of best practices.
  • Affordable financing will be part of these test cases: In total 600 terraced houses will be renovated to E60
  • In total, 200 freestanding houses renovated to E60