In the frame of the Castilla y León regional energy strategy for energy optimization and managing of its public buildings, has emerged this project with the colaboration of EREN, the Regional Energy Agency and the Regional Minister of Education, which objectives are reducing energy costs, and in parallel energy saving and avoiding CO2 emissions
Illustration : Burgos. Pixabay
The project is supported by an online tool, developed with regional human resources, which allows adjusting resources efficiently and reducing energy consumption and expenditure. By the moment it has been included electrical contracts of 141 schools, with an estimated economical savings of 235.090 euros annually, and it is running a second phase in which 329 will be added.
The online tool runs the automatic register of energy consumption from electrical contracts, optimises automatically power capacities according to their needs, detects mismatch and fraud by monitoring consumption, and manages programmed energy warnings.
It is foreseen that at the end of the year savings of over €335.000 will be reached, which means around 8% of the total electrical bills from Castilla y León public schools.
Moreover, the tool can facilitate the energy administrative tenders for Education Managing Departments, generating the first documents automatically, having control over the cost of the electric power consumed by the public school buildings. Currently, tenders for 329 electrical contracts have been used the tool for a total of €4.078.914,52 of public procurement. With this tool are foreseen 15% of savings from the total cost, which means around €610.000.
From the management energy database have been obtained individualized energy reports by every school centre, concerning its electricity supply points and consumption facilities that identify potential improvements such as a change to an optimum tariff, a new adaptation of the contracted power capacity, reducing power factor penalties, minimizing power consumption out of school hours, etc.
After that analysis of energy consumption and energy indicators, a potential energy savings of 30% have been detected in the school centres, which must be analysed in detail through specific studies. After this second optimization analysis, it is expected to achieve a minimum savings of 12% in electrical bills, which together with the 8% previously mentioned, arrive at 20% of energy savings costs.
This is a pioneering initiative in Castilla y León and by the moment the database inventorying covers 15% of the whole electrical supply points as well as the control over electricity cost of the electrical consumption in the schools.
The project is being extended to other public buildings for regional ministers, Universities or local entities in the region.