EREN, Ente Regional de la Energía de Castilla y León, was founded in 1996 (Law 7/1996) by the regional government and in the framework of the Save Programme.
Illustration : Image by alisonhouse780 from Pixabay
EREN, Ente Regional de la Energía de Castilla y León, was founded in 1996 (Law 7/1996) by the regional government and in the framework of the Save Programme, as an energy management organism at regional level, aimed to develop the most appropriate regional energy policy, always following the guidelines established by the European Union’s energy policy, on the basis of its main three principles: security of energy supply; competitiveness and, environmental protection.
The European partnership was established with ARELVT-Agencia Regional de Energia de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo (Portugal) and Skane Energy Agency (Sweden).
EREN was established as a tool for the Castilla y León’s economic and social representatives of facing up to these questions related to the SME’s and citizens energy efficiency, at the same moment promoting the renewable energies use and the energy saving endefficiency and, developing the region great energy potential, always taking into the best consideration theenvironmental balance, contributing to the regional sustainable development.
The organisation is composed by a Board of Administration, an Advisory Committee and a Managing Director, which conduct and report the actions developed by EREN as well as its internal functioning, make up by a high specialised and qualified staff divided into five departments: Energy Saving and Efficiency, Renewable Energies, External Relations, Training and Education, Energy Managing in public administrations, Regulation and Projects and Budget, Administration and Services Department.
Actions carried out by EREN in the energy field are focused on the promotion of the energy saving and the exploitation of renewable energy sources, promoting the regional companies competitiveness and the citizens quality of life, what contributes direct1y to the global economic development of the region.
This is way EREN implements activities and designs initiatives in the following areas:
Energy Planning
Energy Efficiency
Renewable Energies
Activities aimed to promote the development of the Castilla y Leon high potential of renewable energy sources in all its technical areas: hydropower, biomass, wind energy, solar thermal energy, solar photovoltaics and geothermical energy. EREN will promote projects all around the region, implying local and regional entities, looking for the optimal impact in the local economy, increasing the employment and the quality of life in those localities where the projects are implemented.
Consulting and Advisory Actions
Programmes management and co-operation
Information Dissemination and Training