The ManagEnergy Initiative will be back next year with an interesting Networking Event tailored for local and regional energy agencies. This time, we are setting up quarters in Wels, Austria during the World Sustainable Energy Days
In 2020, the energy transition is entering a new phase: the new EU Green Deal, new legislation and programmes in the Member States to implement the Clean Energy Package and, in general, a new momentum for climate protection.
The ManagEnergy Networking Event will present how energy agencies can make use of these opportunities to drive the energy transition in their cities and regions. Together, we will discuss how we can develop our organisations and trigger more sustainable energy investment in our regions and cities.
Energy Agencies can be leaders in the energy transition: They have a key role in activating important stakeholder groups – politicians, administrations, citizens, and local businesses – and catalysing the process of change. We will show you how!
4 March 2020, in Wels/Austria in the context of the European Energy Efficiency Conference and the World Sustainable Energy Days
Specifically tailored for energy agencies:
ManagEnergy is the initiative of the European Commission dedicated to supporting local and regional energy agencies:
The European Energy Efficiency Conference and the World Sustainable Energy Days are organised by the OÖ Energiesparverband, the regional energy agency of Upper Austria: