Three unique study tours to different islands around Europe present the opportunity to develop professional knowledge and networks.
Illustration : NESOI
The NESOI – New Energy Solutions Optimised for Islands Short Study Tours (STTs) are 3 unique opportunities to develop your knowledge and network, as well as to visit sites in-person and meet experts and professionals.
The opportunity is open to candidates from various organisations established in inhabited islands belonging to EU Member States or the UK; one of the H2020 associated countries; or belonging to one of the EFTA countries.
Successful applicants must:
When: 6 – 10 March 2023
Topics: Energy communities and e-mobility
Hosts: DAFNI & Astypalea municipality
See also: A joint initiative of AEGEA and DAFNI saw 6 double chargers installed on the island, in the framework of the “Astypalea Smart and Sustainable Island” project. Thanks to the pilot charging network, Astypalea became the municipality with the highest chargers per citizens ratio in Europe. Full story here.
When: 27-31 March 2023
Topics: Decarbonisation of ports and boats
Hosts: The port authority of Messina
When: 8-12 May 2023
Topics: Green H2 and marine renewable energies
Hosts: The European Marine Energy Centre Ltd (EMEC)
See also: During the tour led by EMEC, participants will learn more about the Green Hysland project. The project is helping to shape the landscape of green hydrogen on European islands; EMEC is a partner in the consortium.
Download the updated version of NESOI Guide for Applicants (*) which includes useful information for building a successful application!
(*Updated sections with new information include: Intro section 3 and new section 4.1.)
For the online submission, please click HERE and fill out your application before the 30th of December 2022.
This information was originally shared on the NESOI website. For further information contact NESOI.