
Successful stories from the European City Facility

Do you want to apply for EUCF and you are looking for good examples to follow? Or are you simply curious to know what EUCF finances? Check our success stories!

Successful stories from the European City Facility

The European City Facility (EUCF) supports municipalities in developing investment concepts for sustainable energy projects. Simple financial support (in the form of €60,000 lump sum), as well as knowledge transfer and learning through best practice examples, are planned.

It is time to use the potential of cities and municipalities to build sustainable investment programs (i.e. investments in energy efficiency and renewable energies) and to bundle many small projects into large investment portfolios.

The European City Facility is publishing the 30 successful stories coming from the First Call for applications closed on the 2nd October 2020.

The first story is already out: get inspired by Girona (Spain) and discover how they will use the EUCF grant!

Further successful stories will be soon available here.

The second call for application of the European City Facility is open! Find out more.