
The ManagEnergy initiative releases three new videos

Do you want to know more about the ManagEnergy initiative? The initiative released three new videos summarizing all the activities of  ManagEnergy.

The ManagEnergy initiative releases three new videos

ManagEnergy is a European Commission initiative for helping regional and local energy agencies to become leaders in the energy transition and to increase sustainable energy investments in regions and cities. The three video interviews are now available on YouTube.

Seamus Hoyne explained the ManagEnergy Expert Missions. Hoyne is the Development and Public Engagement Manager at the Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT, Ireland) and coordinator of ManagEnergy. The ManagEnergy coordinator discussedthe Master Classes of the European Commission initiative.

Michele Sansoni summarized the activities of the initiative. Sansoni is the Project Advisor at the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME, European Commission).