
Interreg Alpine Space approves three projects by AURA-EE and other FEDARENE members

Three successful project proposals for the Interreg Alpine Space programme will be managed by FEDARENE members, including AURA-EE, ENERGAP, IRE Liguria, and Selnica ob Dravi Municipality.

Interreg Alpine Space approves three projects by AURA-EE and other FEDARENE members

As of the 19th of October, the Interreg Alpine Space programme committee has selected 14 projects for funding. Two of the approved projects are led by AURA-EE and involve ENERGAP, IRE Liguria, and Selnica ob Dravi Municipality. A third project also involves AURA-EE.

AMETHyST (A MultipurposE and Tran sectorial HYdrogen Support for decarbonized alpine Territories)

Lead partner: AURA-EE

The overall objective of AMETHyST is to support the deployment of local Alpine green hydrogen ecosystems where several green H2 applications are combined in a geographical area with high potential for H2. It will pave the way to the implementation of Alpine hydrogen valleys and an alpine post-carbon lifestyle, through the raising of capacities and understanding of public authorities and implementation of pilot projects, with the support of sectoral agencies and innovation clusters.

As many Alpine territories have a tourism-oriented economy, the decarbonization of this sector will be primarily targeted by the project.

The project gathers 10 partners, local authorities, local energy agencies, and clusters of the Alpine region.

ADAPTNOW (ADAPTation capacity strengthening for highly affected and exposed territories in the alps NOW)

Lead partner: AURA-EE
FEDARENE partners: IRE Liguria, ENERGAP, Selnica ob Dravi Municipality

ADAPTNOW will work on strengthening the adaptation capacity of Highly Affected and Exposed Territories (HEAT) by implementing and evaluating the available climate adaptation and risk mitigation management tools and practices, assessing the Climate Adaptation Plans, and developing climate services to support the territories and their local public authorities. Ultimately, ADAPTNOW aims to make risk and adaptation planning more integrated, collaborative, and inclusive. 

The consortium has decided to focus its efforts on implementing and evaluating the adaptive capacity of pilots within predominant hazards in the Alps: heatwaves, heavy rains/floods, gravitational landslides, and wildfires. Key sectors have been identified to assess related impacts: urban infrastructure, forestry, tourism, and health.

The 12 project partners include local energy agencies, local authorities, and research institutions. 

X-RISK-CC (how to adapt to changing weather eXtremes and associated compound and cascading RISKs in the context of Climate Change)

Lead partner: Europäische Akademie Bozen / Accademia Europea di Bolzano– EURAC Research

This project aims to develop and implement improved risk management practices and adaptation pathways to better cope with extreme weather events and increase resilience under climate change. The project joins policy and decision-makers at different levels with renowned scientific institutions to amplify in-place risk reduction and adaptation systems while accounting for local specificities, uncertainties, and transnational hurdles. A systemic perspective on high-risk events, impacts, and risks coupled with newly developed data, methods and tools will be developed. The main beneficiaries of the planned X-RISK-CC knowledge hub are institutions with policy- and decision-making capacities as well as natural hazard risk managers.

The project gathers 11 partners, local authorities, local energy and environment agencies, and universities and research institutions. 

Find out more about the Alpine Space programme here.