Energy Communities Facility

The EU Energy Communities Facility (ENERCOM Facility) has been designed to provide direct support to energy communities

The EU Energy Communities Facility (ENERCOM Facility) has been designed to provide direct support to energy communities that are compliant with the definition of “Renewable Energy Community” or “Citizen Energy Community” outlined in the EU legislation or are developing legal entities which aim to qualify as such.

The support will come under the form of lump sum grants worth EUR 7 million aimed to help emerging initiatives develop business plans to grow and implement sustainable energy community projects (addressing e.g. energy efficiency, heating and cooling, renewable energy production and use, or electro-mobility).

The ENERCOM facility will support energy communities in the development of their business models with training and related capacity building, paving the way for replicable business models with long-term sustainability.

A network of national experts will recruit and support energy communities in their journey.

The ENERCOM Facility project is co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union.

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