Virtual software for energy management

The Regional Energy Management tool is offered to cities and municipalities in the Ústí region (352 municipalities in total). ECUK is actively working on the implementation of the Regional Energy Management System (EnMS) according to the EN ISO 50001 standards.

Virtual software for energy management

The Energy Centre of the Ústí Region (ECUK) is a state-funded institution by the Ústí region, established in August 2022 that focuses on optimising the regional energy economy. One of its primary goals is to enhance energy efficiency and systematise regional energy management measures.

ECUK’s key activities concentrate on optimising energy performance in all buildings and facilities owned by the Ústí region. Additionally, it aims to increase energy production from renewable sources. ECUK plans to extend its services primarily to public administration, with a particular emphasis on municipalities and cities within the region.

A key tool for managing the energy system is the Regional Energy Management (KEM), a virtual software designed for data collection and analysis. Launched as open-source software in 2023, KEM covers activities ranging from monitoring energy and water consumption to collecting and analysing data. Moreover, it seeks to integrate the collected data with associated documents such as project documentation, passports, equipment revisions, Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs), and more, for all buildings owned by the Ústí region. This comprehensive data will be centralised within KEM, providing ECUK with a holistic view of every building/ facility.

The Regional Energy Management tool is offered to cities and municipalities in the Ústí region (352 municipalities in total). ECUK is actively working on the implementation of the Regional Energy Management System (EnMS) according to the EN ISO 50001 standards. This effort includes obtaining certification for all organisations affiliated with the Ústí region, notably the Regional Office of the Ústí Region. EnMS implementation has already started in 52 out of 132 organisations, marking the next logical step in the practical implementation of the Regional Energy Management System, of which KEM is part of.

The system is intricately connected to the portal of measured data from electricity/gas/water/heat distributors and allows for the automated integration of billing data from energy traders. The functionality of the Regional Energy Management provides users with benefits such as consumption trend analysis, comparisons between similar buildings/facilities, and the ability to define austerity measures and positive economic solutions.

This best practice is extracted from our publication ‘Sustainable Regions in Action‘. Discover more best practices here!