Exemplary projects and initiatives are implemented and replicated at local and regional level. The following best practices are categorised by topic and geographic area.
Illustration : © AGENEX
SydostTrampar is a bicycle competition for working places that focuses on replacing ”unnecessary” car driving by cycling.
Read more >>The project aim is building a local network of bicycle tracks connecting villages and small towns in three neighboring municipalities.
Read more >>AGIR is a public initiative in Region PACA, which uses a 70 m€ public fund to promote energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE) actions inside the Region.
Read more >>Reconstruction of an out of date boiler plant combusting mainly natural gas in the district heating system of the small town Brumov- Bylnice aims to the improvement of energy self-sufficiency of the target region and reduction of CO2 emissions.
Read more >>The City of Copenhagen has set the target of becoming “The World’s First Carbon Neutral Capital” by 2025, with the first step to reduce carbon emissions by 20 % by 2015, compared to 2005.
Read more >>The main objective has been to strengthen the public local administration expertise within the field of energy and to create attracting investments in renewable energy sources (RES) and energy efficiency (EE).
Read more >>In 2011 the hydropower plant, located in Lyckeåborg Blekinge, was totally renewed in order to reduce oil consumption and optimize the use of renewable energy sources.
Read more >>During The Blekinge Trip, groups of 12 years old children travel by train and bus within their region for a whole day learning how to plan and report their trip.
Read more >>Target 2050 is the name of Stroud District Council’s overall strategy to address climate change through actions in the domestic, commercial and public sectors, which is delivered through a partnership with Severn Wye Energy Agency.
Read more >>Thanks to the Berlin Energy Agency (BEA), the flat roof of the Max-Schmeling-Halle Berlin arena is now equipped with a photovoltaic system.
Read more >>The Lowbrook digester, developed by Owen Yeatman, is now part of a farming enterprise including 400 head dairy herd and 490 hectares of arable crops, and an exemplar case of opportunities offered by anaerobic digestion.
Read more >>The South Shropshire Biodigester was funded by the Department of Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and Advantage West Midlands to demonstrate the diversion of source separated household kitchen waste from landfill.