
ConnectHeat call for replicators

Join ConnectHeat and receive free support to develop heating & cooling communities. Apply by 10 September 2024!

ConnectHeat call for replicators

Heating and cooling account for roughly 50% of EU energy consumption with more than 75% come from fossil fuels. Renewable and clean heating and cooling is a key enabler for a sustainable energy transition towards decarbonisation and energy autonomy in the current energy crisis. Increasing energy efficiency and sustainability of this sector is necessary to achieve the targets within the European Green Deal and the REPowerEU plan towards climate neutrality.

Because heating and cooling is a fully localised sector, actions must be taken at the local level involving a variety of stakeholders and requiring solutions and technologies adapted to very specific local conditions. The community energy concept is proven and effective to foster the green transition but its potential remains significantly untapped in heating and cooling.

ConnectHeat empowers local and regional public authorities to drive the energy transitions in Europe. It is the first European initiative developing heating and cooling communities in Europe, implementing 7 real pilot cases in different European regions.

A heating and cooling community is a collective and participative initiative where citizens from a given area come together to produce, consume, or manage heating and cooling energy, increasing energy independence and resilience of the heating sector, promoting renewable energy sources, reducing carbon emissions, and creating local economic benefits

We are now looking for motivated cities, municipalities and regions to follow suit and benefit from our inspiring experience, best-practices and knowledge gained along the way. By this, we aim to support you in developing succcessful heating and cooling energy community projects in your pathway towards reaching decarbonisation goals. For this purpose, we have launched a Call for Replicators for which you can apply.

Who can participate?

  • Authorities developing heating strategies, such as:
    • Local authorities, municipalities, cities, regions, governments.
  • Heating strategy implementers, such as:
    • Energy companies, utilities, ESCOS.

Why to apply?

  • Be a part of a community of like-minded cities and regions;
  • Access key knowledge and expertise on the development of heating communities;
  • Receive direct support and advice from our experts and engage with key stakeholders from the field;
  • Enlarge your network and get more visibility;
  • Speed up your path towards decarbonisation.

Which support and activities are proposed?

Various support activities will be provided:

  • Peer-to-peer coaching activities helping you to including
    • 50 support actions via phone/email/in person
    • 1 online working table involving all replicators as follow to discuss common issues and answer specific questions
  • Capacity building and knowledge exchange workshops and webinars with a possibility to present a specific regional project or initiative and receive support
  • Access to proven tools, resources and materials for H&C community development
  • Networking and exchange with like-minded cities and stakeholders

Helping you to:

  • Learn about the step-by-step process to develop H&C communities
  • Understand your local context with its key drivers and barriers
  • Update your local strategy (SEAP, SECAP, or similar) with H&C community energy policies
  • Define your concrete H&C community project and its timeline
  • Identify and engage with key stakeholders from your area

We offer trainings in the amount of up to 3-5 days. Active participation and availability will lead to enhanced learnings and more valuable giveaways within our cluster.

What is the application process?

The application is to be sent by filling in THIS FORM.

The project evaluation committee will assess the applications based on the following criteria:

  • Main features of the local energy system,
  • Level of experience in mitigation strategies and in citizen and stakeholder engagement (policies and plans, targets, relevant initiatives),
  • Local energy strategy,
  • Ambition, vision and targets related to ConnectHeat objectives.

What is the timeline?

The application are to be sent by 10 September 2024.

The evaluation results will be communicated to the applicants by e-mail after the deadline.