
Empowering Cities: Accelerating the Green Energy Transition in Tallinn, Estonia

The conference is organised in cooperation with the Covenant of Mayors – Europe and taking place at Hotel L’Embitu Conference Centre in Tallinn, Estonia.

From the 04 September 2023 to the 05 September 2023

The European Green Capital 2023 Tallinn in cooperation with the Covenant of Mayors Europe will host the international conference “Empowering Cities: Accelerating the Green Energy Transition” on 4-5 September 2023 in Tallinn, Estonia.

The extensive conference program starts with site visits and a welcome reception on 4 September, followed by a keynote speech by Mrs. Kadri SIMSON, EC Commissioner for Energy, backed with inspiring panels on energy transition, deployment of local renewable energy and energy sector’s challenges on 5 September.

Energy efficiency and saving methods in housing, green transition and innovation in cities are crucial topics in tackling the current crisis. The conference offers an opportunity to share best practices, knowledge and inspiration with Mayors and other city leaders from all over Europe, to step up our climate ambitions and commit to delivering action towards a fairer, climate-neutral Europe.

Find the programme here !

Registration is now open until 15 august 2023. Please note that there is a limited number of seats available for this event and the registration will be closed once the capacity is reached.