
ManagEnergy Master Class – Session 2

The ManagEnergy Master Classes consist of tailor-made 3-day programmes in Brussels, delivered by leading energy experts and targeting senior and management level energy agency staff.

From the 07 May 2018 to the 09 May 2018

Master Class is a new and innovative way to increase energy agencies’ capacity to place themselves at the forefront of energy investments across Europe. Consisting of 16 hours of interactive tuition and training the class will focus on topics such as market facilitation, project development, financing solutions and other related topics. The format of the classes includes lectures, workshop activity, case studies and guest lectures from agencies and organisations relevant to energy investments.

Delivered by leading energy experts over 3 days in Brussels, the classes are targeted at senior and experienced energy agency staff who have the opportunity to lead the development of investments in sustainable energy projects in their region/city. It is supported by an on-line resource portal and participants have the opportunity to gain academic credits for their participation in the programme.

Course fees are covered by the ManagEnergy initiative and financial support (up to a maximum of €550) is provided to participants for travel and accommodation costs.

Participants who complete the Master Class are given the opportunity to gain academic credits from their efforts in completing a specific Master Class. To achieve the credits, participants will need to submit a Portfolio demonstrating how they have applied the relevant knowledge and skills from the Module in their particular work circumstances. Subject to successful approval, they will ultimately receive a Special Purpose Award (10 ECTS) at Level 6 in the European Framework of Qualifications (EFQ).

Focusing on topics such as market facilitation, project development, financing solutions and other related topics the Master Classes will include lectures, workshop activity, case studies and guest lectures from agencies and representatives from the financial sect

  • Next session (7-8-9 May 2018) Module 1: Market Facilitation and Project Aggregation

Apply from this link