The Maramures County Council and the Agency carries out its activities on the basis of the IEE Grant Agreement concluded between the Maramures County Council and EACI of the European Commission.
Illustration : Image by Cosmin Iovan from Pixabay
The Maramures County Council is the regional public administration authority responsible for the co-ordination of the local councils of communes, towns and capital cities for the purposes of achieving the public services of county interest. One of its main responsibilities is to adopt and monitor the implementation of strategies, prognosis and economical – social programmes for the sustainable development of the county.
Maramures County council has set its energy objectives, as follows:
In 2009, the Maramures County Council in partnership with other public institutions established the Energy Management Agency of Maramures (AMEMM).
The Agency carries out its activities on the basis of the Grant Agreement IEE/07/Agencies/489/SI2.499572 concluded between the Maramures County Council and Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI) of the European Commission (project funded 75% by Intelligent Energy Europe).