Mazovia Energy Agency

The main goal of MAE is to support the use of renewable energy sources and to support the implementation of solutions rationalizing energy use in Mazovia and to promote a regional approach to energy.

Mazovia Energy Agency

The strategy of the Mazovia Energy Agency is to support the implementation of solutions rationalizing energy use in Mazovia, to promote a regional approach to energy and to encourage citizens to the use of renewable energy sources.

The main activities of the Agency are focused on the 7 priority needs of the region in the field of sustainable energy:

  • contribution to the achievement of national and regional targets in the field of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency,
  • sustainable use of regional energy resources – planning and programming local development,
  • energy issues in rural areas – agriculture as a supplier and end user of energy,
  • difficult energy tasks in the developing metropolitan area around the capital city of Warsaw,
  • specific energy problems in Mazovia,
  • promoting the region among entities investing in renewable energy,
  • monitoring sustainable energy activities in the region.

For the first three years of its operation (2009-2012), the Agency was co-financed by the European Union’s Intelligent Energy Europe program. 

The activities of the Agency are to lead to the development of a comprehensive regional energy policy, coordination of energy activities in the region and an increase in the involvement of local participants (municipalities, households, farms, entrepreneurs) in the implementation of the regional energy policy. The agency will be responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the regional energy policy.

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