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24 staff from local and regional energy agencies and public authorities joined the Class to gain knowledge on innovative financing instruments available to support their climate and energy projects.
Read more >>Dates for the Sixth call for applications of the EU City Facility (EUCF) have been announced: 15 January to 15 March. Get ready to apply for a chance to receive the €60,000 grant.
Read more >>On 12 October 2023, PROSPECT+ in collaboration with the Covenant of Mayors Office, Smart Cities Marketplace, and Managenergy organised a participatory lab about financing for the local energy transition.
Read more >>Plovdiv’s Energy Agency secured the prestigious National Energy Globe Award 2023 for their innovative POWERTY project. Generating 14MWh/year and 8.6MWh/year respectively, these installations, equipped with advanced technologies, promote self-consumption and reduce electricity bills.
Read more >>New opportunity for employees of Energy, Climate, and Development Agencies to upskill on Spatial Planning and Leadership. Apply by October 31st!
Read more >>EU Peers is a project that aims to support the development and promotion of Integrated Home Renovation Services (IHRS) as key tools for accelerating residential energy renovation in the European Union. EU Peers plans to create a European Community of Practice comprising IHRS practitioners and other members, with the goal of strengthening and expanding the IHRS concept.
Read more >>Three European regions of Navarre (ES), Emilia-Romagna (IT), and Skåne (SE) join forces to promote a roadmap for energy transition in this new LIFE project.
Read more >>Opengela receives the support of the LIFE programme to integrate social, economic and environmental aspects in the regeneration of the neighbourhoods
Read more >>The POWER-E-COM Project aims to foster the cooperation between regional/local authorities and citizens so that community energy projects can come to fruition in six European countries. It empowers stakeholders and aims to attract €21.4 million in investment, achieve 9.2 GWh of annual primary energy savings, produce 37.3 GWh of renewable energy yearly, and reduce emissions by 30,700 tons annually.
Read more >>On 6-8 September, ManagEnergy Expert Seamus Hoyne visited the Estonia Island Archipelago to support its municipalities in developing a Regional Energy Agency.