Get the latest news for Agencies and Regions about Energy and Environment

Replicable practices on innovative financing schemes

Replicable practices on innovative financing schemes

Find out Replicable practices on innovative financing schemes for energy efficiency and climate adaptation that have been collected in the framework of the PROSPECT+ project.

Policy Support Facility: Call for experts

Policy Support Facility: Call for experts

The CoM-Europe Policy Support Facility is looking for technical experts in adaptation. Apply by the 31st of May 2022.

Stand with Ukraine

Stand with Ukraine

FEDARENE expresses its support to Ukrainians in a short statement, reminding how essential European solidarity is in the face of this terrible war.

A new European initiative in support to energy communities

A new European initiative in support to energy communities

The European Commission’s Energy Communities Repository was launched on 20 April in Brussels with an enthusiastic networking event.

Global Covenant of Mayors e-learning course

Global Covenant of Mayors e-learning course

Discover the new interactive course developed by the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy for the EU Academy Platform.

Roger Léron Award: Deadline Extended!

Roger Léron Award: Deadline Extended!

Were you thinking about nominating an outstanding individual to the Roger Léron Award this year but didn’t have the time to submit? This is your chance! We are extending the deadline to the 15th of May 2022.

Promoting Deep Renovation Buildings across the EU

Promoting Deep Renovation Buildings across the EU

Maria Fabianelli, FEDARENE Vice-President for Energy Efficiency and Investments and director of IRE Liguria, discusses the interventions needed to improve the retrofitting of buildings, especially deep renovations needed on the massive scale, highlighting the role IRE Liguria in the process.

The European Commission highlights the Opengela project

The European Commission highlights the Opengela project

The European Commission highlights the project’s “energy savings and support for vulnerable people”, with the scalability of the processes, financing and creation of employment.

Energy Efficiency First

Energy Efficiency First

Florin Andronescu, FEDARENE Vice-President for Energy Efficiency and director of Alba Local Energy Agency, discusses the urgency of implementing energy efficiency in investments and the role energy agencies have to play in providing a sustainable future for regions.

Seven European regions visit Bilbao and Eibar to replicate the Opengela model of urban regeneration

Seven European regions visit Bilbao and Eibar to replicate the Opengela model of urban regeneration

On Thursday 31 March and Friday 1 April, representatives from seven municipalities and regions visited Bilbao and Eibar to see first-hand the pilot projects being developed in the Otxarkoaga and Txonta neighbourhoods, respectively.