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Tipperary Energy Agency powers with Electric Ireland

Tipperary Energy Agency powers with Electric Ireland

TEA and Electric Ireland are joining forces to make SuperHomes services accessible across Ireland.

FEDARENE joins the Cities Manifesto for Fossil-Free Heating and Cooling

FEDARENE joins the Cities Manifesto for Fossil-Free Heating and Cooling

The signatory cities of the Cities Manifesto for Fossil-Free Heating & Cooling remain united in their conviction that the heat transition can only be achieved if all government levels fulfil their role, provide the right support mechanisms and establish an enabling regulatory framework for the local level.

Survey on the Real Value of Energy Efficiency

Survey on the Real Value of Energy Efficiency

To develop a policy support tool, that effectively answers to the real needs of its potential users, we invite you to share your opinion in this survey.

The Coalition for Higher Ambition spells out its expectations from the “Fit for 55” Package

The Coalition for Higher Ambition spells out its expectations from the “Fit for 55” Package

Ahead of the European Council’s discussion on 25 May about the new climate and energy legislation (so called Fit for 55 Package), European businesses, investor groups, local and regional authorities and NGOs published a joint letter to list their expectations.

A roadmap to 2050: transforming the energy sector

A roadmap to 2050: transforming the energy sector

The IEA’s report presents the most comprehensive study to date for achieving net zero emissions by 2050 in the energy sector, emphasizing renewables and energy efficiency.

New project building on the results of RELaTED

New project building on the results of RELaTED

The RELaTED project partners Inaventa Solar has recently started a new project, DisolBat (distributed solar and “blue batteries”), which builds on the results of its international collaboration with RELaTED.

QualDeEPC participated in 3rd stakeholder workshop on the revision of the EPBD

QualDeEPC participated in 3rd stakeholder workshop on the revision of the EPBD

In October 2020, as part of the European Green Deal, the European Commission published its “Renovation Wave Strategy”, which aims at, at least, doubling the […]

The gender perspective in urban regeneration in OPENGELA

The gender perspective in urban regeneration in OPENGELA

The researcher Sonia De Gregorio has produced a report for the Basque Government with recommendations to be considered in this area. The report includes a pilot test on the actions in Otxarkoaga.

WSED 2021 programme is out!

WSED 2021 programme is out!

The World Sustainable Energy Days 2021 will take place both in Wels Austria and online. Have a look at the programme and find out what this year’s edition has to offer!

The missing “WHY” for energy efficiency

The missing “WHY” for energy efficiency

The Energy Efficiency Watch presents the results of its new survey, bringing together the insights of over 1,200 experts on the progress in energy efficiency policies and key factors for narrative development in all EU Member States.