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ManagEnergy Expert Mission to Lyon, France

ManagEnergy Expert Mission to Lyon, France

Read about the ManageEnergy Expert Mission To ALEC Lyon – the local energy agency of the Lyon Municipality – which was completed on the first week in January. The goal of the expert mission was to understand how the agency could best scale-up Global energy renovation of family houses!

Successful stories from Slovakia

Successful stories from Slovakia

The European City Facility published the first set of case studies. The first EUCF call is open until the 2nd October 2020. Find out what kind of projects we finance and how

PROSPECT Green financing survey: provide your input!

PROSPECT Green financing survey: provide your input!

The PROSPECT H2020 project is currently conducting a survey on the key factors for green financing to become a reality

Accelerating transition: How cities and regions make a difference

Accelerating transition: How cities and regions make a difference

On the 7th of December 2019, the C-Track 50 project – putting regions on track for carbon neutrality by 2050 will be featured at the COP25 in Madrid

ManagEnergy Workshop: How can Energy Agencies make the most out of new opportunities?

ManagEnergy Workshop: How can Energy Agencies make the most out of new opportunities?

Read about the ManagEnergy workshop, organized at the WSED 2020!

EU City Facility: Call for Country Expert in Poland

EU City Facility: Call for Country Expert in Poland

The EUCF initiative is looking for a country expert in Poland in order to support cities in their “city journey”

Quickscan: a new energy performance assessment tool

Quickscan: a new energy performance assessment tool

Discover this tool developed by the Wallonia region in the framework of the BE REEL LIFE project to measure the energy performance of Belgian buildings

World Sustainable Energy Days 2020: nearly 600 participants gathered in Wels to advance the Energy Transition

World Sustainable Energy Days 2020: nearly 600 participants gathered in Wels to advance the Energy Transition

The World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED) are one of Europe’s largest annual conferences in this field. The 2020 conference will take place from 04 – 06 March 2020 in Wels/Austria.

PEDIA project: how CEA wants to promote energy efficiency in schools

PEDIA project: how CEA wants to promote energy efficiency in schools

The Cyprus Energy Agency (CEA) is now conducting PEDIA (Promoting Energy efficiency & Developing Innovative Approaches in schools). This is the first project that approaches the overall needs of the public school buildings in Cyprus, in order to transform them into nearly-zero energy buildings

Julije Domac becomes energy adviser to Croatian President

Julije Domac becomes energy adviser to Croatian President

FEDARENE’s President & REGEA Director Julije Domac will serve the new Croatian President Zoran Milanovic as a special adviser on energy and climate