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Overview: What status for Energy Performance Certifications in Europe?

Overview: What status for Energy Performance Certifications in Europe?

What is the current status of Energy Performance certification in Europe? BUILD UP Experts provide a comparative approach on EPCs at the EU Level

Applications for Green Solutions Awards are now open

Applications for Green Solutions Awards are now open

Are you interested in participating in the Green Solutions Awards? Submit your application before the deadline on 15 March 2021

Good practice in EPC assessment, certification, and use

Good practice in EPC assessment, certification, and use

With this Green paper on good practice in EPC assessment, certification, and use, QualDeEPC provides further analysis, policy proposals and draft descriptions of tools on the seven areas identified by the project

PROSPECT peer learning goes online – Visiting London Croydon virtually

PROSPECT peer learning goes online – Visiting London Croydon virtually

Relive the mission in London Borough of Croydon through the eyes of the facilitator Bernadett Köteles-Degrendele

One small step for the Energy Agency, a giant leap for the Region

One small step for the Energy Agency, a giant leap for the Region

Go behind the scenes of Tipperary Energy Agency and Energikontor Norr PROSPECT workshops on facilitating new services in the Norrbotten region

MANAGENERGY Expert Mission to Energy Centre Češke Budejovice

MANAGENERGY Expert Mission to Energy Centre Češke Budejovice

Last June, Vlasta Krmelj from Energy Agency of Podravje visited the energy agency of Energy Centre České Budějovice (ECCB) to carry out the 9th ManagEnergy Expert Mission

Malta pilot: Gozo island solution

Malta pilot: Gozo island solution

The pilot is addressed to investigate a grid-connected community micro-grid model which represents small municipalities. Analysis and prediction of energy requirements would allow the micro-grid to be disconnected from the main grid (islanding) in case of main grid failure. Energy monitoring started in November 2017, with measurements being taken every minute

Launch of TerriSTORY®

Launch of TerriSTORY®

The energy and environmental transition is an opportunity for the territories to regain a new perspective towards development. The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region in partnership with ADEME* relies on TerriSTORY® to contribute to achieve this goal

ManagEnergy Expert Mission in Tartu – Estonia

ManagEnergy Expert Mission in Tartu – Estonia

The Expert Mission was conducted by Seamus Hoyne (LIT, IE) at the Tartu Regional Energy Agency on 9-11 February 2020

SPL Energies Réunion renovates popular neighbourhood

SPL Energies Réunion renovates popular neighbourhood

Sociétés Publiques Locales Energies Réunion participates in a promising renovation plan in a popular neighbourhood of Saint-Pierre