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PROSPECT – Peer-to-peer learning activites for European Cities & Regions

PROSPECT – Peer-to-peer learning activites for European Cities & Regions

Watch the project’s video and learn how to finance your SE(C)APS and apply to the peer learning programme.

Explore the vast potential for renewable energy in Northern Sweden

Explore the vast potential for renewable energy in Northern Sweden

Green Energy Investments is a project, managed by North Sweden Energy Agency, focusing on realising sustainable energy ideas in the region of Norrbotten. The project […]

The ManagEnergy initiative releases three new videos

The ManagEnergy initiative releases three new videos

Do you want to know more about the ManagEnergy initiative? The initiative released three new videos summarizing all the activities of  ManagEnergy.

BiogasAction – New developments in Sweden

BiogasAction – New developments in Sweden

During the first period of BiogasAction the Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden (ESS) has been working on different tasks in order to promote and fulfill the targets in BiogasAction.

Sign up for the 1st PROSPECT learning cycle!

Sign up for the 1st PROSPECT learning cycle!

The 1st learning cycle of PROSPECT will start in May 2018.

The circular economy network in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes – ECLAIRA platform

The circular economy network in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes – ECLAIRA platform

In Auvergne-Rhône Alpes, the ECLAIRA network was created as a networking tool to develop circular economy in the region.

BiogasAction – New developments in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

BiogasAction – New developments in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

The biogas production in the region made big changes. When the BiogasAction project began, in January 2016, there were 51 plants in Rhône-Alps region. The biogas production represented 400 GWh of primary energy for heat and electricity. There was no biomethane production, but 2 plants were under construction.

Towards Circular Economy in Finland – CIRCWASTE project

Towards Circular Economy in Finland – CIRCWASTE project

Central Finland, together with four other regions in Finland, has started exploring the potential of the Circular economy. The focus of this 7-year Life IP project with a budget of almost 19M€ is on efficient use of material flows, waste prevention and new waste and resource management concepts. Altogether 19 pilot projects will focus on the circular economy of different waste resources.

25th birthday of Berliner Energieagentur: reliability, trust, responsibility

25th birthday of Berliner Energieagentur: reliability, trust, responsibility

For 25 years, the Berliner Energieagentur (BEA) has been tackling environmental challenges and aiming at contributing to a more efficient use of energy. On 20 November, BEA celebrated its birthday with 150 guests from politics, business and administration.

BiogasAction – New developments in Wales

BiogasAction – New developments in Wales

During the first 1 year and half of the BiogasAction project SWEA, the Severn Wye Energy Agency, has been working on different tasks in order to promote and fulfill the targets in BiogasAction and the different challenges in Wales. Several initiatives have been established.