
ManagEnergy Expert Mission in Alba Iulia

What happened during the expert mission? Discover it in this article.

ManagEnergy Expert Mission in Alba Iulia

The ManagEnergy Expert Mission in Alba Iulia was taking place between 11th and 13th June 2018. The event’s main goal is to provide the know-how to Alba Local Energy Agency – ALEA in the field of sustainable energy financing in the region/city.

On the 11th, the event started with a training session dedicated to ALEA staff providing tailor-made support in developing new services or boosting existing ones.

On the 12th, ALEA organized a stakeholder’s workshop in Alba Iulia, in which regional/local stakeholders shared ideas on overcoming barriers in relation to sustainable energy investments. Important issues related to the implementation of sustainable energy policies in Alba County were presented. Financing possibilities for the implementation of sustainable energy-related measures were discussed and one of the highlights was the presentation on how the Romanian Energy Efficiency Fund supports the investments in energy efficiency works.