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“Excellence in Bioenergy Award” for Christiane EGGER! (Upper Austria Energy Agency)

“Excellence in Bioenergy Award” for Christiane EGGER! (Upper Austria Energy Agency)

The Excellence in Bioenergy award was granted to Christiane Egger, deputy manager of O.Ö. Energiesparverband, the energy agency of Upper Austria.

New Bioproduct Mill to Äänekoski, Central Finland

New Bioproduct Mill to Äänekoski, Central Finland

On 21 April 2015, Metsä Group announced their investment worth €1.2 billion in Finland’s forest industry, creating 2,500 jobs in the whole value chain.

Sustainable construction: a package of services for success

Sustainable construction: a package of services for success

With 28 pilot buildings completed over the past three years, the MountEE project has shown how to achieve sustainable constructions in climatic zones as diverse as the Arctic Circle and the Mediterranean.

Regional Energy Agency Castilla y León (EREN) & Regional Ministry of Education – pilot project of online platform for energy management

Regional Energy Agency Castilla y León (EREN) & Regional Ministry of Education – pilot project of online platform for energy management

In the frame of the Castilla y León regional energy strategy for energy optimization and managing of its public buildings, has emerged this project with the colaboration of EREN, the Regional Energy Agency and the Regional Minister of Education, which objectives are reducing energy costs, and in parallel energy saving and avoiding CO2 emissions

Regional Energy Agency Castilla y León (EREN) & Regional Ministry of Education – pilot project of an online platform for energy management

Regional Energy Agency Castilla y León (EREN) & Regional Ministry of Education – pilot project of an online platform for energy management

In the frame of the Castilla y León regional energy strategy for energy optimization and managing of its public buildings, this project with the collaboration of EREN and the Regional Minister of Education aims at reducing energy costs, and in parallel energy-saving and avoiding CO2 emissions.

Take part in Construction21 – an online platform for sustainable building solutions

Take part in Construction21 – an online platform for sustainable building solutions

Construction21 is a set of national and one international online collaborative platforms dedicated to professionals active in sustainable building solutions.

The inaugural meeting of the EMA Network

The inaugural meeting of the EMA Network

The EMA Network brings together representatives of national energy authorities with representatives of Cohesion Policy Managing Authorities dealing with energy.

MEDCOP21 – Search of Intramediteranean cooperation experiences on adaptation and mitigation

MEDCOP21 – Search of Intramediteranean cooperation experiences on adaptation and mitigation

The PACA region council will organize the MEDCOP21, inviting local authorities, civil society, enterprises, institutions to propose a specific Mediterranean vision to fight against climate change.

Tipperary Commits to European Sustainable Energy Movement

Tipperary Commits to European Sustainable Energy Movement

By becoming a signatory, Tipperary Local Authority is committing to implementing a Sustainable Energy Action Plan for the county, with the aim of cutting CO2 emissions by at least 20% by 2020, in line with EU targets.

Contribution to energy efficiency: Europe’s Best Energy Services wanted!

Contribution to energy efficiency: Europe’s Best Energy Services wanted!

To honour European frontrunners in the field of energy efficiency, the European Energy Service Initiative will bestow the “European Energy Service Award” (EESA) for the eighth time.