Accelerating local energy transition by supporting municipal authorities
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The LIFE project OCTOPUS (hOw to aCceleraTe lOcal energy transition by suPporting mUnicipal authoritieS) has brought together six regions across Europe, each with unique energy planning contexts but a common mission: to set in motion a bottom-up movement where local stakeholders influence higher levels of governance to drive a large-scale implementation of sustainable energy actions.
To achieve this, OCTOPUS aims to create and reinforce seven Enabling Organisational Networks (EONs), designed to connect local stakeholders with regional governance in six participating regions:
In France, two interlinked networks will operate: one at the regional level in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and another at the sub-regional level in Isère. These two EONs will work together to reinforce collaboration and governance within the region.
These EONs will play a pivotal role in accelerating the implementation of regional energy and climate plans, ensuring that investment programmes and policymaking are informed by local needs and realities.
By fostering collaboration and empowering local voices, OCTOPUS aims to create a ripple effect, enabling these pilot regions to achieve their energy and climate objectives while inspiring others to follow suit.
Co-funded by the European Union under project ID 101167717.
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.