
PUBLENEF Workshop at Les Assises Européennes de la Transition Energétique-2018

Mieux accompagner les collectivités dans la mise en œuvre de leur stratégie d’efficacité énergétique !

PUBLENEF Workshop at Les Assises Européennes de la Transition Energétique-2018

The 19th edition of the well-established “Assises Européennes de la Transition Energétique”(European Energy Transition Conference) took place in Geneva from the 30th January to 1st of February 2018. The 3 days-event took place in the cross-border area of Greater Geneva. During a period of 3 days, over 4500 participants – representatives of the public authorities, of the economic and academic worlds and of the civil society, are gathered to discuss and debate regional energy transition with the leitmotif of « Cooperate in order to make a success of energy transition».

Transport, town planning, agriculture, economy, renewable energies, new technologies, management of information systems, new solidarities and governance… Through a programme of over a hundred appointments – plenary sessions, workshops and theme visits, the local/regional governments and energy transition players share their experiences and solutions.

In this frame, on the 31st of January the European project PUBLENEF held the workshop “Mieux accompagner les collectivités dans la mise en oeuvre de leur stratégie d’efficacité énergétique” (“How to better support local and regional authorities in their implementation of energy efficiency strategies”) during which FEDARENE and Energy Cities presented the overall approach and processes of the partners. ARENE (now IAU IDF-département Energy et Climat ARENE) and JIN made in-detail presentations of the roadmaps they are implementing in their territories in the frame of PUBLENEF. The objective of this workshop was to share with exterior energy experts the approach undertaken by the PUBLENEF project partners in their transnational exchanges and in their territories.

Download the presentations here: