Accelerating energy transition in European municipalities

ePLANET’s final year will concentrate on training, dissemination, and replicating findings from its earlier phases. It has produced valuable tools and methodologies based on an in-depth assessment of municipalities’ needs and obstacles in accelerating their Energy Transition. These findings are compiled in a brochure, offering a concise summary of the project’s outputs.

ePLANET project is entering its final year during which activities will focus mainly on training, dissemination and replication of the results of the first phases of the project. The main outputs are various tools and methodologies developed thanks to a deep analysis of the needs and barriers encountered by municipalities in accelerating their Energy Transition. The main conclusions and results of the project have been compiled in a brochure to facilitate their dissemination.

You want to know more? Take a look at the brochure! It will give you a very concise summary of the different tools, methodologies and activities developed within ePLANET.