Energy Performance Certificates shortcomings

Analysis of the gaps and shortcomings in the current EPC schemes in QualDeEPC country partners and national priority approaches to their resolution.

Work package 2 of the QualDeEPC project aims to develop the priorities for elements of Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) schemes that should be improved, and for which the project will develop proposals. As a part of WP2, this deliverable D2.3analyses the gaps and shortcomings in the current EPC schemes in the QualDeEPC country partners, and national priority approaches to their resolution. The analysis has been based on tasks 2.1 and 2.3.
As a part of task 2.1, the previous deliverable D2.1 presents an overview of the current situation in the EU member states, including the seven partner countries. As an extension of the deliverable D2.1, a further gap analysis is presented in this Deliverable D2.3. Furthermore, the country partners collected feedback from stakeholders to assess the local situation in the partner countries and their assessment on priority needs for improvement of various EPC elements in the existing EPC schemes. For this purpose, the country partners conducted bilateral interviews with various stakeholder groups and filled in special questionnaires, where they assessed the priority for improvements, ease of implementation and importance of various EPC elements, addressing almost 50 potential options for enhancing the existing EPC schemes. Based on the preliminary results from these questionnaires, a preliminary long list of options for priority for improvement of various EPC elements has been prepared. As a part of task 2.3, partner countries organized stakeholder workshops in each country, where all potential options for enhancing the existing EPC schemes have been discussed, with a special emphasis on the long list of options. These outcomes from tasks 2.1 and 2.3 have been presented in this report, which will be used to identify the priorities for improvement in the existing EPC schemes in the partner countries and also feed contributions to the work in Task 2.4 – priorities and planning for the development of the next generation of EPCs.

The report is structured as follows:

  • Chapter 2 presents a summary of existing EPC practices (based on task 2.1 results) and the gap analysis (which is a result of task 2.3, like all the following content).
  • Chapter 3 presents the priorities for improvement of existing EPC practices and is further divided into two sections:
    • Section 3.1 presents the results from the bilateral stakeholder interviews and the preliminary long list of options that have been identified as a priority for improvement.
      This section also provides the reasons for including an option in the long list or not, and which concrete improvements the QualDeEPC project could develop and possibly implement for the options in the long list.
    • Section 3.2 presents the results from the first stakeholder workshops regarding EPC elements that have been identified as a priority for improvement, e.g. out of the long list in section 3.1.
  • Chapter 4 presents conclusions and an outlook on the next tasks of the QualDeEPC project.
  • The Appendix holds the reports from the national workshops.