Report on 7 nationally adapted Deep Renovation Network Platform concepts

What is the Deep Renovation Network Platform mentioned in several QualDeEPC outputs? In short, it’s an online platform that supports market actors in deep energy renovation. In long, check out this report written by project partner ESCAN.

In its latest deliverable (5.2), QualDeEPC introduces further the concept of the Deep Renovation Network Platform (DRNP). Already mentioned in previous outputs of the project and developed by ESCAN, the DRNP is an online platform that supports market actors in deep energy renovation. This report focuses on how DRNP was adapted to the different needs of the 7 countries in QualDeEPC: Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Spain, and Sweden, leading to the creation/update of several DRNPs.

The DRNPs primarily work as an online information hub related to deep renovation and energy performance certification. It also includes renovation recommendations per type of residential building matching deep renovation standards and an online calculation tool for both building owners, potential buyers, and tenants to compare with more traditional renovation recommendations.

In some countries, existing platforms were updated to include these features. While others set up a new website to hold these services. For instance, partners from Bulgaria, Latvia, and Spain decided to build up Qualrenovate.

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