
An array of studies, policy papers and reports are developed in the frame of FEDARENE’s activities and projects. The following documents are categorised by topic, type of publication and by projects.

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Open letter: Think efficiency first to address the energy and climate crisis

More than 20 organisations join FEDARENE in an open letter addressed to EU negotiators rivising the Energy Efficiency Directive.

Emergency energy saving measures by cities, for cities

The new toolkit of the Cities Energy Saving Sprint is out!
Read it to explore energy saving measures your city can take and learn more about what local authorities across Europe have already been doing.

Energy Poverty Handbook: A report produced with the Right to Energy Coalition

The Greens/EFA parliamentary group published a new handbook on energy poverty, in collaboration with the Opengela project.

QualDeEPC’s Guidebook for improved and converging EPCs

Discover the QualDeEPC Guidebook which provides a detailed description of the set of practical concepts, policy proposals, and tools for an enhanced EPC scheme toward deep renovation.

The 4th QualDeEPC newsletter is out!

QualDeEPC is on its home stretch! Check out the 4th newsletter to get up to speed with the latest publications.

Learning handbooks on financially sound investment projects

The PROSPECT+ team developed Learning Handbooks about the implementation of innovative financing schemes in 6 thematic modules: Public Buildings, Private Buildings, Transport, Public Lighting, Cross Sectoral and Citizen Finance.

QualDeEPC’s enhanced EPC summary evaluation report

After an EU-wide review of current EPC schemes and extensive stakeholder discussions, QualDeEPC developed an enhanced EPC scheme focusing on 7 elements and tested their applicability and convergence.

How Narratives can improve Energy Efficiency and Security in Europe

After analysing the insights of over 1,200 experts on the progress in energy efficiency policies as well as trending narratives across Europe, the EEW4 project brings you its final results.

FEDARENE Info 53 – Focus on energy data, essential for buildings’ renovation

For this summer edition, we dive into the energy data of buildings and Repowering the EU.