
An array of studies, policy papers and reports are developed in the frame of FEDARENE’s activities and projects. The following documents are categorised by topic, type of publication and by projects.

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FEDARENE Info 52 – Focus on European Integrated Renovation Services

For this autumn edition, we dive into a key topic of the renovation wave: one-stop-shops and renovation services.

ePLANET Leaflet

European Public Local Authorities‘ Network for driving the Energy Transition – Introduction Leaflet

FEDARENE Info 51 – Focus on Planning for Carbon Neutrality

Summer is just around the corner and we decided to welcome this new season early with a brand new FEDARENE Info on carbon neutrality and long term climate & energy planning.

FEDARENE Info 50 — Focus on District Heating and Cooling

Our 2021 Spring Edition of the FEDARENE Info is out! This season, we focus on District Heating and Cooling – a sector that could become one of the most important contributors to the EU Green Deal and Energy Transition.

ENERGee WATCH Curriculum and Learning Materials

The 4 handbooks, one per learning course, present the context of the project, a description of the mentors and an overview of the content of each course.

Multi-level Governance in (Climate) Action – Co-creating policy solutions to tackle climate change

What does MLG mean in practice? What role does it play in policy-making and in accelerating climate and energy action? Why is MLG considered to be such a key element of the Covenant Europe?
Read the latest publication of the Coveanant of Mayors Europe Office on Multi-level Governance to find out the answers.

Reaching maximum impact of the EPBD – Recommendations from Regions and their Energy Agencies

While a strengthened EPBD will provide a clear direction and ambition to Member States, we believe its implementation towards the 2030 targets will depend on enabling frameworks which consist of delivery of technical assistance and strategic market facilitation.

Climate Change – Overview of regional and local trends, policy and governance

This report explains the actions taken or planned to tackle climate change challenge so far, and how stakeholders, such as local authorities and citizens,
can engage and contribute through their own actions.

Enhanced EPC assessment, certification and use

Building on your feedback on the QualDeEPC’s Green paper published in 2020, discover the advanced White Paper on good practice in EPC assessment, certification, and use.