
FEDARENE regularly organises webinars on a variety of topic: climate, renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, financing, circular economy, awareness raising… We often invite representatives from European institutions to present and discuss the EU policy framework and feature numerous best practices from our members and partners. Interested to see how the energy transition is being implemented at local and regional level? Check the posts below.

Webinar: One-stop-shops for deep energetic refurbishment of private buildings

Webinar: One-stop-shops for deep energetic refurbishment of private buildings

On 13 September 2019 the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform hosted a webinar on One-stop-shops for deep energetic refurbishment of private buildings.

Management of Transport of Goods, a Challenge for the Sustainability of Cities 

Management of Transport of Goods, a Challenge for the Sustainability of Cities 

B&SU, the Berlin Agency for Electromobility, the Region of Kronoberg and the Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden share their experiences on the transportation of goods in this new FEDARENE webinar.

New solutions for sustainable district heating in European cities

New solutions for sustainable district heating in European cities

Watch this Covenant of mayors webinar and learn about the EU’s heating & cooling decarbonisation policies and technologies available.

Cities and Regions unlocking the potential of biogas  for their energy transition

Cities and Regions unlocking the potential of biogas for their energy transition

The final webinar of the BiogasAction project organised in partnership with the Covenant of Mayors took place on the 12th December 2018.

E-mobility: Planning and charging Infrastructure

E-mobility: Planning and charging Infrastructure

The first of a series of 3 webinars on Mobility and Transport, this webinar aims to enable Regions and Energy Agencies to share best practices in terms of Mobility at local level.

Supporting the implementation of Energy Efficiency Policies

Supporting the implementation of Energy Efficiency Policies

During this webinar, the European Commission’s and the European Investment Bank’s offer of technical assistance were presented in detail. Regional Energy Agencies presented the key challenges and solutions when trying to up-scale investments in energy efficient streetlighting.

The Use of Biomethane in the Transition to a Clean Transport

The Use of Biomethane in the Transition to a Clean Transport

On the 14th of November 2017 a webinar was organised in the frame of BiogasAction during which the European Commission had the opportunity to highlight the current EU policies in support of the transition to a cleaner mobility and presented the prospects opened by “Clean Energy for all Europeans” legislative package and the “Europe on the Move“ initiatives notably regarding the role of biomethane as fuel for transport.

Energy Efficiency Watch: What prospects for European Energy Efficiency Policies

Energy Efficiency Watch: What prospects for European Energy Efficiency Policies

On the  28th of March 2017, a webinar was held in the framework of the EEW3 project where speakers discuss the progress in energy efficiency policies in the EU28 as well as the new prospects opened by key proposals of the Clean Energy Package.

Supporting EPC market development through EPC Facilitation Services

Supporting EPC market development through EPC Facilitation Services

This webinar held on the 3rd of February 2017, presented the project approach, key lessons learnt and conclusions as well examples of implemented projects. A keynote presentation from the European Commission shed some light on how the “Clean Energy for all Europeans” package may influence the development of the EPC market.
