
Burden Sharing: It’s the sum that makes the total!


Burden Sharing: It’s the sum that makes the total!

Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009, sets a mandatory 17% target for Italy for share of energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy to be achieved in 2020. According to it, the Burden Sharing Decree (MD 15/03/012) by the Italian Government defined and quantified the intermediate and final goals that each Region and the Autonomous Province must achieve in order to meet the national targets by 2020 of overall renewable energy quotas in terms of final gross energy consumption in the electricity, heating and transport sectors amounting to, 3% ( that is, the 17% target less the imported quota).

 The Region of Abruzzo has reached and exceed the targets set by the “Burden Sharing” Decree in terms of the share of total energy consumption covered by renewable sources.  

The Decree defines what is the Final Energy Consumption of a Region or Autonomous Province and what is the Renewable Energy Consumption and fixes in a Table the Regional Objective Trajectory, from the initial situation to 2020. In 2015, in the Abruzzo Region, the share of total energy consumption covered by renewable sources was 25,3%, that is higher than the MD forecast for the same year (13,6%) and the target to reach 2020 (19,1%).

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