Podravje region: leading the way in climate resilience and sustainable practices in Slovenia

As the impacts of climate change intensify, there is an increasing need for urgent action to bolster efforts, plan, and implement measures for both mitigation and adaptation. It is in response to these pressing challenges that the ADAPTNOW project was developed.

Podravje region: leading the way in climate resilience and sustainable practices in Slovenia

Funded under the Interreg Alpine Space programme, this project works on strengthening the adaptive capacity of Highly Affected and Exposed Territories in the Alps. A consortium of 12 partners from five EU countries collaborate to develop tools, methods, and practices for climate adaptation and risk mitigation.

ENERGAP leads the project implementation in the Podravje region, North East of Slovenia. Having faced three natural disasters in May, July, and August 2023, the region experienced significant economic and environmental damage. In response, many stakeholders engaged in consultations to enhance the region’s resilience, including the local fire brigade, civil protection groups, national forest management authority, national water management authority, and citizens. Measures such as the restoration of roads, cleaning of water streams, and tree-cutting were put forward to mitigate the impacts.

Furthermore, the region is also proactively developing a Climate Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan. This strategic framework follows the PLAN-DO-ACT-MONITOR-REACT-PLAN sequence, incorporating actions that are both financially and technically feasible. The goal is to not only respond to the immediate challenges but to establish a long-term strategy for climate adaptation. The 21 municipalities of the region are engaged in the strategy and leverage various climate adaptation tools and methods to implement the action plan.

Under ENERGAP’s guidance, the Podravje region has also been selected as a supporter of the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change. In this capacity, it will actively participate in mission-related activities and communities, sharing the valuable information gained with the municipalities it collaborates with. As part of this effort, ENERGAP has been rewarded with the title of “Friend of the Mission”.

By sharing knowledge, implementing strategic plans, and actively participating in EU Missions, we can contribute to building resilient communities that can withstand and adapt to the challenges posed by climate change.

This best practice is extracted from our publication ‘Sustainable Regions in Action‘. Discover more best practices here!