Best practices

Exemplary projects and initiatives are implemented and replicated at local and regional level. The following best practices are categorised by topic and geographic area.

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EYES – Engaging youth in Sustainable Energy Planning

EYES – Engaging youth in Sustainable Energy Planning

Read about the EYES project which involves 6 European local communities in Spain, Denmark, France, Poland, Italy, Bulgaria committed to developing action plans for engaging the youth target group in the local climate and energy planning processes.

Cyprus energy agency: Education as a pillar for sustainability

Cyprus energy agency: Education as a pillar for sustainability

Find out how Cyprus Energy Agency is encouraging sustainability education through their involvement in the European projects of Bricks of Skills and YENESIS!

Promotion of e-mobility in the Liguria Region

Promotion of e-mobility in the Liguria Region

Read how IRE Liguria is promoting e-mobility in the Italian region of Liguria by installing  22 new e-charging stations. 

REDI- digital meetings for the public sector in Sweden

REDI- digital meetings for the public sector in Sweden

Find out how Nothern Småland Energy Agency is running the REDI project in co-operation between the Energy Agencies of Sweden, which focuses on meeting without travelling aiming for an energy-efficient transport system, with help from digitalization. 

Electric bus e.City Gold on tests in Madeira and Porto Santo Islands

Electric bus e.City Gold on tests in Madeira and Porto Santo Islands

Electric buses are hitting the streets on Madeira. Read what were the conclusion from testing electric buses as a sustainable alternative.

Sustainable Communities Wales

Sustainable Communities Wales

Read how Severn Wye Energy Agency is providing free expert support and feasibility studies to 150 communities in Wales for the energy efficiency improvements of their communal buildings through the Sustainable Communities Wales programme.

Promotion of buildings that supply, store, and distribute electricity to the electrical grid

Promotion of buildings that supply, store, and distribute electricity to the electrical grid

Find out how Örebro Region County Energy Agency facilitates a network within the real estate market where energy and environmental good practices in building and maintenance are promoted to encourage the use of renewables and energy efficiency.

RESAP Launch – The Renewable Energy Sources Advisory Platform

RESAP Launch – The Renewable Energy Sources Advisory Platform

Read how MIEMA has been supporting local stakeholders in the introduction of renewable energy sources in their buildings/facilities through the RESAP platform (Renewable Energy Sources Advisory Platform).

Development of Local energy concept for Municipality of Celje

Development of Local energy concept for Municipality of Celje

Read how KSSENA’s IMEAS silo approach¹ develops integrated and multi-level energy models for the Alpine Space (AS) to overcome the barriers emerging from the disconnected silos at present².

Wind-pumped-hydro Power Station of El Hierro

Wind-pumped-hydro Power Station of El Hierro

Find out how the Canary Island of El Hierro supplies its electrical energy from clean and renewable energy sources such as wind, and how they use their surplus wind energy to pump water from a lower reservoir at sea level!

EKIAN – The biggest PV plant in the Basque Country

EKIAN – The biggest PV plant in the Basque Country

Read about EKIAN, the biggest PV plant in the Basque Country, which is a public-private initiative of EVE and KREAN and has 22 investors. The investment is 24 million EUR and will produce electric energy equivalent to the annual consumption of 15.000 households.

The Sol i Väst Project develops knowledge on PV Electricity

The Sol i Väst Project develops knowledge on PV Electricity

The project developed in West Sweden aims at supporting initiatives for procurement and building PV parks. Read more about it!