Smart Cities Marketplace Forum

Smart Cities Market will take place on June 9 -10. The session will focus on showing the different approaches of EU countries towards climate neutrality and smart cities

From the 09 June 2021 to the 10 June 2021

The Smart Cities Marketplace is an initiative supported by the European Commission, bringing together cities, industry, SMEs, investors, financing & research institutions, and other smart city actors.

It is the successor of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities & Communities (EIP-SCC, established in 2012), its Marketplace and the Smart Cities Information System (SCIS) that were merged into a single online platform. It aims to function as a support hub for all that are interested in and challenged by financing Smart City solutions across multiple sectors, e.g. Energy, Transport/Mobility and digital solutions.

The Forum is a two-day event. This year’s edition of the Forum will be an official partner event of EU Green Week. It will be linked to the EU Action Plan towards a Zero Pollution Ambition as a key action of the European Green Deal.

In this context, the aim of the Forum is to:

  1. sharing experiences and good examples with relevance to the Green Deal and/or Zero Pollution Ambition action plan
  2. making the link on how Smart Cities feed into the EU Action Plan toward a Zero Pollution Ambition as key action of the European Green Deal. See how Smart Cities are key factors in these developments regarding the topics ranging from Clean Energy to the Renovation Wave and specific activities in Transport & Mobility as well as ICT
  3. providing a platform to discuss some burning issues of smart cities today (post COVID recovery related, funding opportunities)
  4. providing matchmaking gearing for specific needs of city administrations and informing about financial and funding instruments
  5. helping Smart Cities Marketplace stakeholders in realizing their projects (the Smart City Marketplace funnel in its most crystallized function).

One of our Fedarene members will be part of the event as a speaker at Parallel 5 in the session: National Strategies, Policies and Networks for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities: How Can We Deploy Them?

Here you can find the program for the event

More information about the event agenda, the speakers and networking opportunities are on the registration website.