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ManagEnergy needs you!

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ClimAct CEE: Pioneering climate-neutral zones in Eastern Europe 

ClimAct CEE: Pioneering climate-neutral zones in Eastern Europe 

EAP, REGEA and ALEA become forerunners in implementing low-emission and decarbonised urban zones in Eastern Europe

EUCF, the Life European City Facility – Call for Country Expert and National Hub

EUCF, the Life European City Facility – Call for Country Expert and National Hub

Deadline extended until February 6, 2023 for Iceland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Belgium and Ukraine. Apply now!

New resources on climate adaptation available

New resources on climate adaptation available

REGILIENCE tools on adaptation to climate change including overview of available fundings for regions are now available. Do not hesitate to take a look!

Île-de-France at the forefront of climate adaptation

Île-de-France at the forefront of climate adaptation

Climate adaptation has been at the forefront of the Île-de-France region’s climate priorities with the implementation of a Regional Adaptation Plan and other crucial initiatives.

Discover Regio1st, a new project  on the Energy Efficiency First principle

Discover Regio1st, a new project on the Energy Efficiency First principle

Launched in November 2022, this new project funded under the LIFE programme of the European Union aims to provide a decision-support tool and capacity building for regional stakeholders to embed the EE1st principle in regional planning processes.

IN-PLAN to empower local and regional authorities via spatial planning

IN-PLAN to empower local and regional authorities via spatial planning

New LIFE project IN-PLAN facilitates the energy transition by empowering local and regional authorities and enacting their energy and climate policies through spatial planning! #LifeINPLAN

Building and supporting leadership skills in local communities

Building and supporting leadership skills in local communities

Lisa Vaughan, Chief Executive Officer at Tipperary Energy Agency, talks about why we need climate leaders.

The ManagEnergy initiative is back!

The ManagEnergy initiative is back!

The ManagEnergy service is officially up and running again! Composed of 10 partners, the consortium aims to further support the role of energy agencies in Europe by providing information, know-how, visibility and networking opportunities during the next four years.

Governance: what does it mean, and how is ePLANET helping?

Governance: what does it mean, and how is ePLANET helping?

The ePLANET project identified best practices of governance structures that optimise the planning and implementation of effective energy & environment policies in Europe. But what is governance exactly? Why is it important? And how can it be improved?