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Read more >>EAP, REGEA and ALEA become forerunners in implementing low-emission and decarbonised urban zones in Eastern Europe
Read more >>Deadline extended until February 6, 2023 for Iceland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Belgium and Ukraine. Apply now!
Read more >>REGILIENCE tools on adaptation to climate change including overview of available fundings for regions are now available. Do not hesitate to take a look!
Read more >>Climate adaptation has been at the forefront of the Île-de-France region’s climate priorities with the implementation of a Regional Adaptation Plan and other crucial initiatives.
Read more >>Launched in November 2022, this new project funded under the LIFE programme of the European Union aims to provide a decision-support tool and capacity building for regional stakeholders to embed the EE1st principle in regional planning processes.
Read more >>New LIFE project IN-PLAN facilitates the energy transition by empowering local and regional authorities and enacting their energy and climate policies through spatial planning! #LifeINPLAN
Read more >>Lisa Vaughan, Chief Executive Officer at Tipperary Energy Agency, talks about why we need climate leaders.
Read more >>The ManagEnergy service is officially up and running again! Composed of 10 partners, the consortium aims to further support the role of energy agencies in Europe by providing information, know-how, visibility and networking opportunities during the next four years.
Read more >>The ePLANET project identified best practices of governance structures that optimise the planning and implementation of effective energy & environment policies in Europe. But what is governance exactly? Why is it important? And how can it be improved?