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Upper Austria: 200,000 roof-top PV systems by 2030!

Upper Austria: 200,000 roof-top PV systems by 2030!

In its new PV strategy, the region of Upper Austria has set itself the clear goal of achieving 200,000 roof-top PV systems by 2030.

Ice Box Challenge Glasgow

Ice Box Challenge Glasgow

Better building design can help us reduce our carbon pollution without changing our behaviour. Buildings that prioritise efficiency first are comfortable and healthy… The #IceBoxChallengeGlasgow put that theory into practice in a fun and interactive experiment, taking place from July 23 to August 6!

The first scaffolding in the neighbourhoods

The first scaffolding in the neighbourhoods

The urban regeneration taking place in the Basque Country, thanks to OPENGELA is in progress. Check out where the work is at.

“Towards a fairer, climate-neutral Europe for all”

“Towards a fairer, climate-neutral Europe for all”

The 2021 European Covenant of Mayors Ceremony will take place on 7 October 2021 online… and everywhere in Europe!

OPENGELA: urban regeneration programme throughout the Basque Country

OPENGELA: urban regeneration programme throughout the Basque Country

To replicate the OPENGELA model, it is necessary to lay the foundations for neighbourhood offices to operate. For this reason, the project has published a ‘White Book’ summarising the basic principles that should govern the one-stop-shops.

National Winners of the Green Solutions Awards 2020-2021

National Winners of the Green Solutions Awards 2020-2021

The national winners of the Green Solution Awards have been announced! Find out who will be competing during the international phase.

650 experts gathered at the World Sustainable Energy Days

650 experts gathered at the World Sustainable Energy Days

The WSED concluded yet another successful Conference organised in Wels Austria. The dates for the 2022 edition are already out.

C-Track 50: putting regions on track for carbon neutrality by 2050

C-Track 50: putting regions on track for carbon neutrality by 2050

Discover in video the project C-track 50, which has supported 107 municipalities develop energy and climate plans.

Upgrade of the DH network in Iurreta reaches its turning point

Upgrade of the DH network in Iurreta reaches its turning point

With the upgrades in distribution and piping constructed to a large extent, Iurreta will see its heating system stopped this week to modify its operational principles & adapt it to the RELaTED Ultra Low Temperature DH concept.

OPENGELA to become a reference for urban regeneration

OPENGELA to become a reference for urban regeneration

«I hope that Opengela will be a reference for other urban environments and inspire other initiatives.» said Miguel de los Toyos, Deputy Minister for Territorial Planning and Urban Agenda of the Basque Government. Read the full interview.