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Today, the European Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy entered a new phase of its history with the launch of the European Covenant of Mayors Board, reaffirming the initiative as a unique political movement steered by mayors.
Read more >>In the event several energy efficiency policy best practices in Spain were presented. The main factors that determined their success were presented and discussed.
Read more >>Taking place in 9 countries with nearly 180 public office buildings and around 9,000 employee’s, the save@work project will provide an energy-saving template that can be used in the future, not just by the public sector but by all office-based organisations – a template for the energy efficient offices of the future!
Read more >>Discover REACH, a project implement by EAP Plovdiv and other EU partners to empower energy poor households in Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia and Slovenia to save energy and water, while at the same time establishing energy poverty as an issue that demands tailor-made structural measures.
Read more >>Andy Bull from Severn Wye Energy Agency was at the ADBA National Conference on December 8th 2016 to present the Intervention Strategy for Wales and the BiogasAction project.
Read more >>Since the beginning of the project, RAEE has organized a regional advisory committee (60 attendees) to allow all the companies, institutions, working in the field of biogas and project owners, to meet and share experience.
Read more >>Bio-CNG and bio-LNG were the topics on the agenda when the Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden arranged their annual energy conference Energiting Sydost 2016.
Read more >>BiogasAction partners learned from each other through peer learning activities and thus strengthened their capacities required for the implementation of collaboration models.
Read more >>EREN, together with the computer services of the autonomous administration, has OPTE: a platform which allows the management and optimization of the contracts of electricity and gas of the public buildings of the region.
Read more >>At the 2016 General Assembly of FEDARENE, Christiane Egger (OÖ Energiesparverband) presented the progress in energy efficiency policies in the EU28 along with key policy conclusions from the Energy Efficiency Watch 3 EU project.