ENERGee WATCH is a European project of peer-to-peer learning program enabling regional and local authorities to properly define, monitor and verify their sustainable actions.


ENERGee WATCH is a European project of peer-to-peer learning program enabling regional and local authorities to properly define, monitor and verify their sustainable actions.

Monitoring regional and local energy and GHG emissions data is the most crucial step towards identifying priority areas of intervention and thus defining proper regional and local strategies regarding climate and energy.

ENERGee WATCH aims to launch a peer to peer learning program to enable regional and local authorities to timely and accurately define, monitor and verify their sustainable actions. The learning will focus on regional/provincial authorities and their agencies to empower them to make use of best practices. The project builds on, among others, Covenant of Mayors guidelines for Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans, best practices collected through projects on evaluation and verification practices such as the IEE Data4Action and many others 

The ENERGee Watch project stems from an existing informal European network of regional greenhouse gas observatories managed by FEDARENE. The network’s mission is to collect, monitor, report greenhouse gas emissions and implement energy saving strategies and policies. The network currently has 20 members from 11 European countries who will all, among others, benefit from the project.

The project’s objectives are:

  • To develop and execute a complete and easily replicable peer-to-peer learning program
  • To build capacity of regional authorities in monitoring and verification practices for adaptation and mitigation actions through peer-to-peer learning activities
  • To help public authorities and their agencies use the rich experience available
  • To link regional authorities and their respective associations along with energy policymakers, associations of planners, technical experts, monitoring, verification, reporting (MRV) experts, and local actors in an intra-European network through an innovative peer-to-peer learning experience about local and regional MRV practices for both adaptation and mitigation policies

The peer learning programme will start in 2021 and will address four topics :

  • Energy and Climate Data collection
  • Monitoring, Reporting, Verification
  • Indicators and planning for climate adaptation
  • Data display, dissemination and validation by end-users

Get involved!

Fill in this form to express your interest in the programme and we will get back to you

Watch the presentation video

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 892089.

Disclaimer: The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union nor of the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the CINEA nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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