
An array of studies, policy papers and reports are developed in the frame of FEDARENE’s activities and projects. The following documents are categorised by topic, type of publication and by projects.

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RELaTED newsletter n°7 is out now!

What happened in the past months with the RELaTED project? Luckily, the 7th project’s newsletter has them all in one place!

Guide to set up your own City Facility

The European City Facility, a pilot to replicate in your own territory to support local projects!

Sustainable Regions in Action 2021

FEDARENE’s yearly publication “Sustainable Regions in Action” gathers a unique collection of projects implemented by European regions and their energy agencies, as well as essential information about our Network and its activities.

Energy price assessment associated with District Heating in Europe

Within this study, a review of heat production technologies and fuels is presented where the present, medium, and long-term energy costs for district heating networks are identified.

Cities Manifesto for Fossil-Free Heating and Cooling

The signatory cities of the Cities Manifesto for Fossil-Free Heating & Cooling remain united in their conviction that the heat transition can only be achieved if all government levels fulfil their role, provide the right support mechanisms and establish an enabling regulatory framework for the local level.

SDG localisation and multi-level governance: lessons from the Basque Country

The Basque Country was among the first sub-national organisations in the world to adopt a consistent Sustainable Development Goals localisation strategy. Read more about its policies and projects, including OPENGELA, in this publication in the European Joint Research Centre.

Letter from the Coalition for Higher Ambition on the “Fit for 55” Package

Ahead of the European Council’s discussion on 25 May about the new climate and energy legislation (so called Fit for 55 Package), European businesses, investor groups, local and regional authorities and NGOs published a joint letter to list their expectations.

What is the feedback received from the (inter)national workshops?

New deliverable published on the feedback received during the 2nd round of national and EU QualDeEPC workshops.

Housing 4.0 Energy Newsletter 5

Read about the latest development of the Housing 4.0 project aiming to reduce the cost and carbon footprint of ZEH home constructions.

2030 Roadmap for a sustainable Cyprus

Discover CEA’s roadmap to achieve sustainability in Cryprus by 2030.