An array of studies, policy papers and reports are developed in the frame of FEDARENE’s activities and projects. The following documents are categorised by topic, type of publication and by projects.
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Discover the latest and most remarkable projects FEDARENE members have been working on to raise awareness about sustainable energy.
FEDARENE’s members who are regions, energy agencies and islands, stand ready to support the European Climate Pact as local and regional ambassadors and contribute to the Pact’s success.
As recovery packages are developed at EU and national levels, local and regional authorities are urging for a systemic change, putting Climate Action at the core of the COVID 19 Recovery.
FEDARENE member regions and energy agencies are dedicated to reducing the carbon footprint. Read this new publication and find out about some of our best practices’ examples in the field!
Representatives of cities, regions, energy agencies, cooperatives, NGOs, research institutes and Europe’s sustainable energy industry come together to call for an appropriate co-financing rate for CSA projects on sustainable energy.
Analysis of the gaps and shortcomings in the current EPC schemes in QualDeEPC country partners and national priority approaches to their resolution.
FEDARENE member regions and energy agencies are dedicated to helping municipalities in fighting climate change and preventing its unintended consequences. Read this new publication and find out about some of our best practices’ examples in the field!
A detailed analysis of the potential enhanced Energy Performance Certificates elements as well as a cross-country comparison matrix.
Olga Macias, researcher in the field of energy efficiency in buildings in Tecnalia, explains the intervention developed by the RELaTED project in the demonstration site of Iurreta (Spain), in order to test the possibilities of the ultra-low temperature district heating systems in a corporate building complex.
In general, metering of district heating consumption in ultra-low temperature district heating (ULT DH) systems is not different from traditional district heating. However, when electricity is used to boost DHW temperature, this share of the DHW production is no longer metered by the district heating company,or must be metered separately by an additional electricity meter.